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Mark Greaves Chief Fulfilment Officer at eStar discusses the need to focus on improving profitability from your eCommerce channel.

With eCommerce now accounting for a much larger portion of sales, the return from investing in efficiency gains has never been greater. A few years back when eCommerce channel sales comprised a smaller percentage of sales, it was easy to delay conversations on improving profitability and focus on growing top-line sales.

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Optimise your eCommerce Platform with Experian

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, eCommerce has experienced a phenomenal rise in Australia since 2020. Not only does an eCommerce strategy generate direct revenue, but it also provides a means to better understand customers’ needs and preferences in detail, via volumes of available and transactional data.

Online interactions provide the means to collect and analyse data on hundreds, thousands, or even millions of customers in ways that are impossible through simple face-to-face in-store interactions.

Optimise your eCommerce Platform with Experian

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